

Email me at Stephanielindhardt (AT) gmail . com


My FREE Printables aren't downloading:
*If your printables aren't downloading, first make sure you have enabled pop-ups. If it still isn't working try switching browsers. (Firefox, Chrome, IExplorer)
*Unfortunately I made most of these printables a few years ago which is decades in digital time. I am working on switching them all to one convenient place available for instant downloads. Until then I apologize in advance if you aren't able to print them off. I am not super tech savvy and am therefore not much help in that department. I do know that they print just fine for 99% of people. But every once and a while I get an email from someone saying it isn't working for them. I hope that by doing the above suggestions it helps.


  1. Your site is wonderful and really interesting, but i'm a french person, and my english is not very well so i would like to know if you have a french version of you site.

    Thank you

  2. How do I sign up to follow your blog?
