
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Planner Printables in Blue and Green

I promised you guys some different options for the planner printables. Thought I'd start out with a more masculine color option for those of you are opposed to the rainbow option.

I'll do 1 or 2 more color options in the near future, and then maybe a couple different design options after that.

Be sure to check out my other free printables HERE. There are a few more that would go great in your binder!


  1. Im having trouble printing this! can you help me

    1. Hello,
      I'm so sorry it has taken me so long to respond. The Professor Poppins blog has been under construction, and now that it's almost complete I believe I've got the downloads working again. Please revisit and find the downloads you were wanting. I've switched to a new host website so there shouldn't be anymore confusion. If you have any more problems please email me back and I'll respond as quick as I can.

      Professor Poppins
