
Friday, November 18, 2011

Article: 10 Positive Parenting Tips

I found another GREAT article on how you can practice positive parenting in your home!

It includes 10 steps from Dr. Laura Markham on how to implement positive teaching moments through discipline rather than punishment.

{Click Here for my post on Alternatives to Time Outs which also talks about the difference between discipline and punishment.}

In fact, her #7 tip is to eliminate Time Outs as a form of discipline!

Before I send you off I want to give you my favorite quote from her article:

"Harsh discipline and punishment, ironically, interfere with the child's ability to develop self discipline... Kids who are given discipline that is not loving never learn to manage themselves constructively. Ultimately, loving guidance and positive parenting result in the child's developing the holy grail toward which all child-raising is aimed: the child's own self-discipline"

Click HERE for the article 
For more Parenting Articles look for the "Parenting Articles" link in my sidebar 



  1. Positive parenting is an effective parenting. However, parents need to realize there are
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  2. I found your blog very informative. It really gives insight to the readers especially to all parents there and gives idea on how to have a successful parenting.
    Ann @ Parenting Philippines
